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July 03, 2018 1 Comment

(Credit - https://matrix.dollforum.com)

For a list of all known sex doll manufacturers, visit the following link:

The purpose of the Doll Matrix is to create a showcase of all the known adult dolls. It's a fun way to catalog our dolls and their names according to who owns them, what their stats are, who made them, and so on. The showcase fulfills the needs of doll owners and admirers to learn more about each others' dolls, and for prospective buyers to see what's out there and help expand the hobby.

Adult dolls have been made by artisans for thousands of years. The stories most people hear are about the dolls used by kids, but there were adult dolls too. The story of the Greek statue that came to life is a good example. The animation of a marble statue is considered apocryphal, however, the desire for love and companionship has always been a valid reason to invent such a partner.

The Renaissance introduced a renewed interest in life size dolls--ostensibly for modeling clothes or as mannequins for artists--the Church was a force to be reckoned with, and no one was going to admit their private affairs with their creations. There is a famous case of a French maker of automatons. His creations' ability to perform amazing feats such as playing the flute astonished audiences, but when when he caused one to make silk cloth better than the local factory, it turned workers to revolt and he fled the country.

Soldiers and sailors were known to carry so-called "Dutch wives" with them for gratification from the 18th century through the early 19th century.

Life size dolls or mannequins have frequently had a polarizing effect on people. When doll makers turned to silicone to make dolls whose principal function was sex, they were spoken of poorly in the media. However, with time, views continue to evolve and dolls are more accepted than ever. Now, more people know that the stereotype of sad, lonely men as the sole consumer of dolls is woefully incorrect. Today, successful men, women and couples are the primary buyers of adult dolls and a vibrant hobby has grown up worldwide, fostered by the Doll Forum and made possible by makers of increasingly realistic, durable, and affordable dolls.

We are mere years, decades at most, from having artificially intelligent dolls who walk, talk and have sex. Adult sized lifelike dolls that walk and talk with all the movements of a real person already exist in Japan ; all that remains is to produce them affordably and give them intimate features. So-called sexbots are the next frontier of adult dolls, but for now, the array of choices is already dazzling, as the Doll Matrix demonstrates.


1 Response


July 03, 2018

Love this listing. Really useful!

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