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December 16, 2019

Did you know that Sex Doll Canada is a registered reseller on The Doll Forum (TDF)? In fact, we are currently the only registered reseller on TDF physically located in Canada!

In case you weren't aware, TDF has come to be known as the world's definitive resource on sex / love dolls and other erotic dolls for adults. They have been getting the message out since 2001, long before us, and help promote sex doll education internationally.

TDF offers current and potential sex doll owners to get supportfrom peers, check reviews and receive any scam alerts on different manufacturers, brands and resellers and provide unbiased feedback on a global platform. TDF moderators work hard to make sure the rules are followed, and that everyone has a fair chance to contribute.

As we believe so strongly in TDF as a medium to discover and research sex dolls that we like to regularly offer TDF members the chance to review our performance and our latest sex doll models. Plus, we have a special discount code offered only to TDF Members as a small reward for giving back to the community through sharing your personal experience and feedback on that platform.

Want the special TDF discount code? Simply visit our member's page on TDF and you'll find it waiting for you!

Link: >> Reviews - The Doll Forum (TDF)

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